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Information Skills Toolbox

About badges

Edubadges are digital certificates that show that you have acquired certain skills or knowledge. Edubadges contain metadata, such as the description of your knowledge and skills gained, as well as the way it is assessed and who the issuer of the badge is. Edubadges are issued electronically within a secure and trusted platform:, which offers Edubadges for the Dutch education community. After claiming your badge, you can share it with others, for instance on LinkedIn.

There are many reasons why gaining a badge for Information Literacy is beneficial. The main reasons are:

  • you make your information literacy knowledge and skills transparant for yourself, you get to know your own level of expertise;
  • you also make this transparant for future employers by adding it on your CV or LinkedIn profile;
  • you make it 'portable' to other Higher Educational Institutions;
  • you showcase teachers and future employers your extracurricular activities (which are usually not visible on your diploma);
  • you work on it in your own time and in your own pace;
  • you take a test when you are ready;
  • you improve these skills in the quickest way possible.

This infographic made by Surf explains what an edubadge is and how it works:

Do you want to join? Then go to: Create an edubadge account.

Under Collect, select “Open your backpack” and click on “Log in with eduID”. Don't have an eduID yet? You can create one right away. Tip: use your private email address.

Your account then gives access to your backpack. Here you collect all the badges.



Information Skills badge programme

General information

Information literacy skills within BUas community are supported by the BUas Library. Information specialists per domain give lectures & workshops and advise students and staff on how to search, select, assess and use information. In 2022 BUas Library has started with the development of a badge program on information literacy skills. 

All badges will be issued by BUas Library staff.

All badges (content and assessment) will be offered in English. The content for badge 1, will be offered in Dutch and English, the assessment however will be in English.

All BUas Library badges are extra-curricular.

Students can take part in the programme on a voluntary basis. BUas is a University of Applied Sciences with a strong international focus. Students come from all over the world and have various backgrounds. Students are invited by BUas to also study abroad. Therefore, the programme is 100% online, which makes it possible to follow the programme from anywhere in the world.

BUas Library staff is supported by the BUas Exam Centre with the development and organisation of the assessment for badge 1.

All information is also available in this document (only accessible for BUas students and employees).


BUas Information skills 1: Information Skills Toolbox


The level of the Edubadges is based on the degree of independence and the degree of complexity of a skill. The Basic level focuses on developing independence by gaining knowledge and awareness necessary for studying at a University of Applied Sciences..

You can obtain this badge by following an online course called the Information Skills Toolbox. This course has 5 parts, that are related to the “BUas Taxonomy of Information Literacy”. Each part has explanations of different information literacy concepts and is supported with short video’s.

Learning outcomes

  • You are able on a basic level to independently find and assess sources
  • You can identify your need for information on a given topic
  • You can define your topic
  • You can gather information to orientate on the subject
  • You can formulate a good (re)search question
  • You know what types of information sources there are
  • You can distinguish between different types of information
  • You understand the value of information sources
  • You understand the structure of the internet and how to get access to different types of online information sources
  • You can formulate and use the correct search terms
  • You know how and why to collect different search terms
  • You know how to search relevant information sources
  • You know search methods that help you search more efficiently and effectively
  • You know search techniques that allow you to find more specific and targeted information
  • You have gained more insight into which sources of information there are
  • You can distinguish between search engines and databases
  • You know where to find different types of information sources
  • You can apply basic techniques to store and organize information sources effectively
  • You know how to assess the quality of information
  • You know what to look for when assessing the relevance of information
  • You know what to look for when assessing the reliability of sources
  • You know the criteria for judging the reliability of internet resources
  • You know how to process the information found when writing a report, article, presentation, etc.
  • You know what to do if you find too much or too little information
  • You know methods for keeping track of the search process for later repetition and improvement
  • You know the concepts of copyright and open licenses
  • You know the purpose of publishing in different information sources
  • You know different ways of communication (mediums and channels)


The assessment consists of an online quiz. Quiz questions for this online quiz are selected from the IL quiz questions database in Testvision. This quiz question databases consists of over 900 English quiz questions. A test matrix is developed for this particular assessment.

You have to answer 30 out of 40 questions correctly in 90 minutes. The online quiz is graded with a pass or fail. You can take the online quiz with a max. of 2 times.

BUas Library offers the opportunity to take the online quiz on a monthly basis. You need to sign up for the online quiz. You can access the online quiz via Schoolyear on you own computer. You have to take the online quiz at BUas Library on a designated moment. The online quiz is supervised by staff from the Library as well as staff from Exam Centre.

BUas Information skills 2: Referencing Basics & Software


The level of the Edubadges is based on the degree of independence and the degree of complexity of a skill. BUas Information skills 2 (Referencing: Basics & Software) focuses on developing independence by making references of common materials (books, chapter from books, secondary sources & articles) and gaining knowledge about using referencing software on a basic level.

Within BUas the use of two reference systems is allowed: APA 7th and Harvard. For most academies APA is obligatory. Since Academy for Hotel and Facility is gradually moving from Harvard to APA, within that academy both styles are in use. Students and staff that want to obtain this badge, can choose between APA or Harvard.

A workshop and a self-study module on referencing are both part of this badge.

The workshop deals with the following topics: why, what, how and when of referencing and the basic use of referencing software. The workshop is in English and on a basic level. You can sign up for the workshop here.

The self-study module (LibGuide) covers the same topics as are included in the workshop. It also covers a wider range of referencing formats and exceptions. The self-study module is in English and on a basic level.

Learning outcomes

  • You can prevent plagiarism;
  • You can paraphrase and quote;
  • You can make a reference list;
  • You can use a reference style;
  • You can refer to common materials ;
  • You can export references from Library databases into referencing software;
  • You can import references from referencing software into Word;
  • You can make a folder in referencing software;
  • You can make a reference list with referencing software.


The assessment of this badge is actively participating in a workshop from BUas Library. You need to fill in a registration form. In the registration form you need to prepare 3 questions related to referencing, that will be covered during the workshop. BUas Library staff uses an attendance list.

BUas Information skills 3:  Domain specific searching

Will be developed in academic year 2023-2024.


The level of the Edubadges is based on the degree of independence and the degree of complexity of a skill. The Advanced level mainly focuses on exploring different possibilities and being able to solve problems that arise.

You can obtain this badge, by taking part in a workshop from BUas Library on Advanced searching. Students and staff can choose 1 or more workshops, with a minimum of one:

  • Advanced searching ABEL
  • Advanced searching AHF
  • Advanced Searching AT & ALE
  • Advanced Searching AGM

The workshop deals with the following topics:

  • General and advanced search techniques;
  • Metasearch;
  • Domain specific Library databases (in-depth);
  • Academic journal databases (general overview);
  • Business databases (general overview);
  • Statistical databases (general overview);
  • E-book databases (general overview).

BUas Information skills 4: Academic and/or Business research


Will be developed in academic year 2024-2025.

BUas Information skills 5: "Copyright, privacy & fake news" or "Outreach & Publishing"


Will be developed in academic year 2024-2025.

BUas Information skills Complete


Will be available after meeting all requirements of the previous badges.

Infographic Information Skills badge programme