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Referencing with APA: Library support

Library support

The Library supports our students and staff with regard to referencing in various ways. It offers information on its website and organizes monthly workshops/webinars, including the topic referencing, and the use of software program Endnote. Below you will find additional information on some of these specific services.

Library services

The Library offers online webinars to students and staff on how to refer to the resources that you have used and how to use the referencing software program Endnote. For more information on the content and dates visit our Workshops/Webinars overview on the homepage of the Library, or contact the Information Desk of the Library.

In addition to dropping by or e-mailing the Library’s Information Desk, you can also meet (appointment) with a librarian for one-on-one help.

Librarians are available to meet with students (and staff) to assist with desk research. They can help you develop a search strategy, give you the best search tips and tricks, and show you how to save time compiling your reference list.
Please fill out the form to set up a meeting. We will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a meeting.

Information literacy is the set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information.” (Association of College & Research Libraries, 2000). 

The Information Skills Toolbox of the Library offers a variety of e-tools to teach students information skills. Both lecturers and librarians can integrate these e-learning tools in their education according to the 'right time, right content' principle. The toolbox can however also be used independently.

The toolbox is based on a 6-step model. Each step of the information literary process is described and contains tools, such as knowledge clips, that can be used in education / learning communities. All tools focus on developing information skills, including:

  •  formulating search questions
  •  defining the right search terms
  •  selecting relevant resources
  •  using the proper search methods
  •  assessing/evaluating information
  •  using & presenting information correctly

For questions regarding the use of the Toolbox please contact the Information Desk of the Library:  

In the collection of the Library, you will find various publications on referencing. Not only the major reference works on the APA, Harvard, and MLA styles, but also video tutorials on the Internet and by university's staff. Furthermore, referencing is often a chapter in books on research methods and writing skills.

To search in our collection you can use the search bar below and search with words like APA, MLA, "academic writing", or "thesis writing" to find more information on referencing.

Search in the Library catalogue

Our Copyright Information Point (CIP) gives information and advice to students and staff of our university on copyright issues. If you have a question about copyright, intellectual property rights, publication and open access, please feel free to contact the CIP. 

Citing & Referencing Sources Using APA 7th ed.

Citing & Referencing Sources Using APA 7th ed.

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Need some help citing and referencing sources using APA? Join this webinar to improve your referencing skills and learn how to:

  • distinguish between different types of sources to ensure you refer to them correctly (including AI generated content)
  • use APA citation style to cite different types of sources (books, articles, podcasts, websites, video’s etc.)
  • create a reference list and in-text citations using the APA citation style
  • refer to sources easily via reference managers (EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley etc.) and tools in library database

Please feel free to bring along questions regarding your own references. 

Target Groups
Staff & students


Upcoming Webinars

Date Register

Monday January 20, 20:00-21:00 hours

Friday January 24, 15:00-16:00 hours

Monday February 17, 20:00-21:00 hours

Friday February 21, 16:00-17:00 hours

Thursday March 20, 20:00-21:00 hours

Friday March 21, 15:00-16:00 hours

Monday April 14, 20:00-21:00 hours

Register here for one of these dates