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Design Research @ AT

Stakeholder Mapping

Stakeholder Mapping :


Stakeholder mapping is used to give a clear, visual oversight of different stakeholders involved in a project, and helps deciding on the communication strategy that will be applied. A stakeholder map shows the interest and power of every stakeholder in such a way that it becomes easier to anticipate to the situation. Examples where it is good to apply stakeholder mapping are the organization of a mid-sized festival and the building of a multi-leisure location.

What is it used for?

Every stakeholder has different powers and interests in diverging fields. Stakeholder mapping is usually applied in projects of  where a significant amount of people and organizations are involved in. The main purpose of stakeholder mapping is to get to a communication strategy for each stakeholder. With a good communication strategy, a stakeholder can be won over.

What equipment do you need?

Pen and paper

List of stakeholders

Information on the stakeholders’ needs wants and position

A room

Useful but not necessary are color markers

Potential pitfalls

Don’t make mistakes that others made before you, and make sure that you have enough information on each stakeholder. Furthermore, don’t overlook any stakeholder. It is wise to hold a stakeholder session with a small group of people so more points of view can be shared.

Text: Jeroen Bartelen

Thompson, R. (n.d.). Stakeholder Analysis: Winning Support for Your Projects. Retrieved March 26, 2016, from