Don't try to download the complete book by the download icon in the top on the right. This button sets in motion a complicated process of temporarily downloading (online lending) of the book for 1 day only. You need an Ebsco account + an Adobe digital Editions account which is all rather complicated.
We advise to view the book online instead of downloading
In case you still want to download a specific chapter, it depends on the publisher how many pages you can download during a session. So check at the publisher permission.
Some publishers (like Noordhoff) don’t allow any downloads. In that case perhaps pasting print screens to Word is the only solution.
For downloading a chapter or specific pages, use the icon behind the chapter in the navigation or use the “save pages” icon.
See screenshot
Clicking on the icon behind the chapter or the “save pages” icon will lead to the following pop-up where you can view the amount of pages you can download per session and the possibility to give in which pages to download
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